Yay, okay so this is the final blog post. I have definitely learned a lot from having to write a long response each week about the book I was currently reading. It got pretty annoying at times but doing a post definitely helped me think in deeper ways about my book.
What did I learn about myself as a reader from creating and keeping up with my blog? Something that I learned about myself as a reader from creating and keeping up with my blog is that when writing my blog, I have thought deeper about my book. When writing my post, I noticed that I noticed new and more interesting things about my book than I had before. I ended up thinking about my books characters more deeply in the books that I had not written a blog post on. I learned that I really need to think more deeply about my books and that I usually read books for pleasure and that I don't really think much about details unless I am forced to in my E.L.A class.
In what ways did I benefit from the experience? I benefited from the experience of writing a blog post every week is because writing a blog post helped me look at details in my book rather than just ignore them and not think deeply about my book. I also benefited from having a blog for E.L.A because I got to see how other students view their books. It was also interesting to see somebody writing about the same book as me. I benefited from that because I got to view my books in different ways.
Is writing online different than writing in a notebook? In what ways? Writing online is definitely very different than writing in a notebook. For example, when I get a really interesting idea, it's easier to write out everything I am thinking very quickly because I am typing. However, when actually writing out things, I worry about my handwriting and I can't really get out all my ideas when I am writing so slowly. However, when typing my blog post online, I usually get distracted. When writing my blog post, I notice that I have several other tabs with netflix and tumblr that are constantly distracting me.
In what ways can writing online be liberating? Limiting? I think that writing online is more limiting rather than liberating. When handing in an essay to my teacher, I know that she is probably the only person that is going to read it, so I would include more of my opinion in the response to my book. Writing online is limiting because I know that anybody can read it, so I am much more careful about what I write!
Do I think that teenagers abuse the freedom that being online gives you on sites like facebook? Do I think that people type things they would never say to a persons face? Sure. I think that people might insult another person online rather than in person because they don't have to worry about what people around them will think, say or what the other persons reaction is.
In conclusion having a blog has been pretty annoying but definitely helpful. All work is annoying obviously, but I think writing a blog kept me very disciplined in my reading life.
I have a many of the same points as you, but I like how you pointed out that you also learned from reading other peoples blog posts. Good job.