In this book, I have constantly found myself resisting the text. While reading this book, I want only the best to occur to Junior; for his parents to be friendlier, for his sister to be there for him, for Junior to never get teased or beaten, and for Junior to be a smart and perfect person. Several times, I found myself resisting the text.
One part of this book where I found myself ignoring or resisting was when Junior throws a book at an innocent teacher, Mr.P. Junior describes Mr.P as a calm, harmless guy who shows up to school in pajamas and assigns the students little to no homework. In conclusion, Junior speaks kindly of this teacher. One day, Junior opens up a text book and sees his mom's name written in it, meaning that it is the exact textbook his mother used. This makes him angry because it makes him realize how little money the school has to buy new books and that he is using a thirty year old book. I understand that Junior would be mad, but it isn't like Junior to have outbursts and throw books at innocent people's faces. He has put up with a lot of things, such as his father being drunk all the time, his sister running away, his poverty and hunger, his dog and best friend dying and many cruel men beating him up. The worst Junior has done about this is draw mean cartoons. I praise him for dealing with things the right way, and not aggressively taking out his anger on the ones that hurt him. I "resisted" text because Junior hurt an innocent person who had nothing wrong to him and doesn't have the ability fix any him.
Another part of the text which I found myself resisting was when Rowdy, Junior's best friend, is about to beat him up Junior because Junior laughed at him for tripping. I felt like I resisted that part because I felt bad for Junior. He has nobody else's shoulder to lean on. Everybody else bullies Junior and I feel like he needs Rowdy. I didn't like to read about his best friend acting like his other intimidators.
In conclusion, I resisted the part of the text where Junior has an outburst on an innocent person because it was so unlike him. I also resisted the text when Rowdy is mean to Junior because I feel like Junior has no one else but Rowdy.
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